The Marketing Tornado   /   Marketing Detox    /   Kristen's Detox Story   /   Take the Addiction Survey

What would it be like to turn tornados into a warm breeze?

Imagine the tornado jumping over you and passing you by. Imagine taking days off during the week. Imagine spending more time with your family. Imagine knowing that the marketing ideas you have are what's best for you. Imagine what it would be like if you could go through your day choosing what you want to do. Choosing to nap, choosing to take a walk, choosing to watch a movie with a loved one, choosing to go out with friends, choosing each minute. Imagine your marketing has plenty of space to get completed and you can calmly write your copy. Imagine having more time to write in your journal, take more self-development classes and read more books.  More time to do what you love. 

I challenge you to detox your way into marketing on your own terms.  Take the first step with a FREE evaluation to determine the number one place where the marketing tornado is sneaking into your marketing and sweeping away your life.     

Have you ever rationalized that if you spend the time on marketing, it will pay for your kids college?  That's why it’s worth missing their concert or game, right? Or how about, "If I spend the time on marketing I’ll have more money for retirement?"  So it’s worth missing out on one adventure now.  Right? How will you feel after?

What have you missed out on because you chose to do tornado marketing?

If you’ve ever regretted choosing marketing over something else, then your marketing addiction is heading towards being out of control. You need to detox and come up with solid answers that can guide and help you circumvent marketing tornados. From my own experience I can tell you that the marketing tornado sneaks up on you. It moves in fast, crashes things up and leaves destruction in it’s wake.  I almost lost my marriage and I've watched it happen with WAY too many coaches.  You need someone who can point out the danger signs and show you how to protect yourself. You need examples of how to avoid the tornado.

Ready to take action and go through a Marketing Detox with one-on-one support?  Click Here.

©2012 Copyright Coaches' Marketing Source and Kristen Beireis.  All rights reserved. 
Mask artwork by Kristen Beireis