The Marketing Tornado   /   Marketing Detox    /   Kristen's Detox Story   /   After Marketing Detox

Are you addicted to marketing?

I challenge you to take the Marketing Addiction Survey to find out how addicted to marketing you are. This survey will show you the areas where you may be hiding behind the curtain of “I’m a coach, I’ve got this handled”. You may be surprised to find out that it’s not as handled as you think. 

You could be getting caught up in marketing tornados that are overrunning your business and life.  It's possible you are missing out on life and business opportunities, because you are addicted to marketing.   

If you DON'T get a handle on this now, you will become more of an addict, missing out on what you truly wanted to create for yourself when you started out on your own. I guarantee that you’ll keep getting swept into the marketing tornado.  Step up and do the work you know you need to do.

Are you running your marketing or is your marketing running you?

Take this simple and quick survey to find out how addicted to marketing you are.  It might be time for a marketing detox.  

©2012 Copyright Coaches' Marketing Source and Kristen Beireis.  All rights reserved.