Does your life continually get sucked into a tornado of overwhelming piles of marketing tasks?

Marketing tornados can quickly wipe away your life.  If you've been in the coaching industry for any length of time, I bet the following description of a marketing tornado sounds familiar. 

Your business needs growth and you want to do something about it.  Then, the first sign of a tornado creeps in.  It may sound like this:  "Oh, here's a great idea!!  I heard about this great marketing strategy.  Let's implement it!...It will finally make things click."  And you jump in right away.  You start making lots of requests of your VA or team because the rumblings of the tornado are starting to push you into the swirl.

And then a lightning strike with another brilliant idea flashes before you.  You grab it and put it into action (as any good coach would do!), creating more rumbling. 

...another take it...more rumbling...

Silently, the list of to-do's starts growing and all the pieces start swirling faster and faster until a full-fledged tornado touches the ground.

This leads to:

A flurry of overwhelming e-mails in your inbox.
Your VA or team needing something from you left and right.
Tons of writing that you have to do...and fast!
You're working late in the day and sleeping whenever you can.
You forgo time with your family and friends until "after."

The noise is loud, steady and too fast to stop at this point, things are moving forward whether you can keep up or not.

The tornado spins you around with chaos.

But magically your marketing campaign gets out just in the nick of time. 

Then it drops you on the ground at the end.  Luckily it was only a weak F1 tornado, so your business is still intact and it actually helped to get you a little more growth.

However, are you still intact? In the wake of the tornado there is a lot of debris...mainly your energy and creativity are anywhere but where they are supposed to be.  Everything else that you would usually work on went on hold to get the campaign out.  That pile is all scattered around, mixed in with the campaign stuff and getting that mess cleaned up seems impossible.  Your life went on hold for a few days and now you have to explain to those around you what just happened and clean that mess up too.   You're beat and all you want to do is take a nap. 

Then you do take a nap.  So now, you shut down a bit to recover and get your equilibrium again.  You get all caught up on your daily work, spend some time out of the office and you get your energy back.   The creativity kicks in and, again, you start moving on the next idea.  The rumbling begins, tornado takes over and drops you.  Once're beat!

Do you enjoy spinning around in chaos like this?

You probably got into this business so you could make a living and have a life too.  If you're like most coaches, you want to be able to go to the spa when you want, spend more time with those close to you, and you probably even thought this would allow you to take more vacations.  Has that been true for you?

Ok, I can see why these tornados can be so enticing.  You do get results.  People show up and they pay you.  This makes sense.  You're a smart coach.  You've done your homework so you know a lot about what it takes to make a coaching business successful.  But if you take a really good look at this "Crash and Burn" cycle, is your business life turning out the way you wanted it to?  Are you struggling to get the time outside of work that you want?

These tornados are not helping you create the business you signed up for.  In fact, they threaten to make it worse than a 9-5 job if you get in too fast of a cycle.  If you keep going along like you are, tornado after tornado, you are going to burn yourself and your VA or team out.  If you think you're tired now, wait until you start getting sick because you didn't take enough down time during your launch.  Then you'll be out even more time.

Marketing for a coaching business works best when the owners heart and soul are shared through the marketing materials. If that heart and soul are busy, overwhelmed, regretful and unhappy…what kind of clients are you going to attract?

Click here to find out what marketing tornados are a symptom of and
what you can do to stop them.

©2012 Copyright Coaches' Marketing Source and Kristen Beireis.  All rights reserved.