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Does Twitter Baffle you?
Get started on Twitter in less than an hour a day!

We've heard it way too many times;  "I just don't get Twitter."  "What am I supposed to be doing there?"  It's too foreign and it doesn't make sense that you can actually build a business by answering the question "What are you doing?"  Too many coaches avoid this potentially business-exploding networking tool.  Are you one of those coaches?

Your ideal clients are likely to be on Twitter.  Your referral partners are likely to be on Twitter.  Also, Strong Joint Venture Partners are likely to be on Twitter.  Relationships are being formed and businesses are growing by leaps and bounds because of Twitter. 

Many coaches are already making thousands of dollars each month from being on Twitter. 

There's no reason why you should miss out on the opportunity to jump in.

If you have tried Twitter and are completely baffled by it, or haven't even dipped your toe in yet, this guide can help you get started in less than one hour a day for just 5 days.  Twitter is a great place for you to build your business, but you're not  going to get anywhere if you don't know why you are there and what to do.    

There are many different guides out there for Twitter, what's different about this one?

bullet This is a step-by-step get started guide with easy to understand instructions and information. 
bullet It's short and simple, yet packed with all that you need to get your feet wet on Twitter. 
bullet You'll learn successful techniques to help you understand what you are trying to accomplish and if Twitter is right for you.
bullet You'll get two months of follow-up support.  We understand that once you get started there are other tools and information you will need.  So, for the next 2 months, we'll send you e-mails with additional information to enhance your Twitter experience and keep you "in action" with Twitter.  This will keep you increasing your network and ultimately gaining more profitable relationships.

As an avid Twitter user and communication coach, I have found much success using Twitter in terms of finding new coaching clients, new joint venture partners, and many speaking engagements. What I LOVE about "A Coach’s Simple Guide to Twitter "is that it includes simple step-by-step instructions-- and even more than that -- Kristen actually guides you through important reflection exercises throughout the book so you can make decisions that are right for you and your business. If you want to get started with one of the hottest ways of interacting today, grab this guide now!

Felicia J. Slattery, MA, M.Ad.Ed.
Communication Consultant, Speaker & Coach



You will get the most out of this guide if you are:

bullet A Life, Business, or Career Coach who is new to Twitter. This guide is specifically designed to help coaches harness their own talents and gifts to use Twitter effectively. 
bullet A non-technical person who uses some online marketing strategies already. This guide assumes that you are already on the internet marketing your coaching services.  At the same time, it's designed to help the non-technical person get started with this new marketing strategy.
bullet Ready to invest an hour a day for 5 days, to get started with Twitter. This guide is designed to help coaches who easily get overwhelmed with new technology.  It's broken down into easy tasks that can be done in an hour or less for 5 days. 
bullet Already on Twitter, but feel like you are wasting your time.  This guide will help you get reorganized and give you focus to get the most out of Twitter.  Along with some resources that are more advanced and will help you move forward.
There were some really fine points with big implications that I was missing. THANK YOU for writing it.

Ray Davis

If you are a coach who is frustrated with getting started on Twitter, this simple guide is for you!


In this guide Kristen Beireis, Trust Marketing Expert, shares information that is usually ONLY shared in a Strategic Focus Session (worth $150).


You will also get a list of resources that will help you continue to move forward with Twitter, once you get started.  The research and testing of these resources is worth at least $500

That's a total of $650!  However, we're going to share all this information with you for FREE.  Why?  Because this report was written in 2009 and is a bit outdated.  There are new technologies that may be better for you than the ones suggested here and there are new features that have been added.  None of which are covered.  However, we feel the strategies of this guide are timeless, so it's valuable information, even if it is a bit outdated on the technology. 

"Coaches' Simple Guide To Twitter" is only 11 pages long, including the cover page etc...  It's a quick read and it's just waiting for you to download and get started. 

BONUS!  With your purchase you will also receive our FREE Newsletter with tips on marketing implementation and virtual team building for coaches!

BONUS 2!!  If you haven't already, you will also receive our FREE "Trust Marketing Manifesto" to help you understand how to build trust in your marketing (FYI - it all translates to Twitter).

So, fill in the information requested and get your copy plus the bonuses today, FREE! 

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