Volume 6, Issue 8 of The Coaches' Marketing Source Newsletter


A Personal Note from Kristen

Upcoming Opportunities for Coaches


About Kristen

To subscribe to this newsletter, go to http://www.coachesmarketingsource.com/ and download the "Trust Marketing Manifesto".


A Personal Note from Kristen

Hey everyone!

Wow!  What a crazy, busy month it's been.  I promise to connect more and then all of a sudden life and business get busy so I haven't been reaching out as much as I'd like to.  I'm working on some ideas though so stay tuned.

Just Friday I returned to the office after taking a week off.  I had the luxury of spending some quality time with my Brother who lives out of state.  We did some site seeing, had some great meals together (Hubby even got to show off his culinary talents), and had many very cool conversations.  So, I did a lot of connecting in that sense. 

I also took on a good sized launch project this month which had me busy.  I'm not big on trying to cram things in as fast as possible, but sometimes it's unavoidable.  We really wanted to launch before I left, so we made it happen.  Through great cooperation from team members and working with a client who was willing to put the effort into the getting things done on time, we were able to do the fastest launch set up  I think we've ever done.  It was a total team effort and VERY rewarding to see it fly. 

For the next four weeks or I have a program of my own to create and I've got some great networking calls set up.  I'm grateful to be back in the flow after my time off and moving forward with my biz.

Create a great day!
Kristen Beireis, Trust Marketing Expert
Coaches' Marketing Source

Upcoming Opportunities for Coaches

Global Coach Conference -
This is an online conference for global change leaders.  I will be leading a session on Creating Trust in a Skeptical Society.  It's fr/ee but they do ask for a donation of $1-$10 to help pay for the phone lines etc...  I've watched this conference grow over the past two years and am extremely excited to be a part of it this year.  My session will be Thursday, October 13 at 5pm Eastern.  Register at http://www.globalcoachconference.com.  You'll need to scroll down the list to find my session, but register for as many as you can.  They are all going to be amazing.


3 Keys to Crazy Wealth - A wealth-esteem coach I know (Heather Wilson) has created a fantastic fr/ee video series that is educational and hugely fun.  She picked interesting places to shoot her videos and had a lot of fun with it, which makes this a very unique series.  If you are interested in hearing a fresh and fun perspective on creating wealth for yourself, I suggest you go sign up at http://www.3keystocrazywealth.com

Discover YOUR version of life - Now’s the time for each and every one of us to focus our efforts on discovering what makes us come alive and tapping into the unique gifts that we are here to share with the world. If YOU are ready to discover your purpose, and bring your unique gifts and talents into the world, this class offered by Leah Shapiro of Defy the Box, will help you get there.   leah says "It’s time to ditch the status quo and break free from the pre-packaged ideas that our society encourages us to live by. Now more than ever-the world needs what YOU have to offer.  Learn to access it with Leah's help! During this 60 minute tele-class, Leah will offer you a fresh perspective on how to connect to your purpose and some things you can do right away to make your life more meaningful and fun.  Register or send some people you know could use some help with this to - http://www.DefytheBox.com/your-version.


What my cats have taught me about marketing









Meet Calvin (Left) and Hobbes (right). They are cousins (their moms were sisters). Yes, we know the comic strip characters are a boy and a male tiger, but in this case our Hobbes is a girl.

It might seem strange but in the 4+ years these two have been a part of our lives, they have taught me much about marketing. This article is just the first of three. I’ll post the final two on my blog over the next couple of weeks and send you a notice so you can read them as they are pubished.

I think you will enjoy the comparisons and learn something yourself. If you're not a cat lover, just go with it and see what these revelations bring for you.

We rescued our two kitties from the outdoors when they were just 4 and 6 months old. They are definitely our furkids and are the most high maintenance cats we've ever had, but we love them anyway. When we got them they didn't trust anything or anyone. They hid under the couches a lot. It took them both about 2 years to stop jumping when the furnace kicked on. It took them until last year to finally really be comfortable and trust the people and noises that were common in the house. They even started coming out from hiding when we had company. Calvin would finally accept attention from strangers even. Hobbes, not so much.

They had plenty of reasons to be scared. They had spent their early years living in a yard with about 20 other cats, a dog and a dangerous street with cars. It was a tough life fighting for food, trying to stay healthy, and not get hurt. Humans were just people who tried to trap them and do scary things to them like use cotton balls and wipe their ears, poke them, or take them to the scary Vet. No wonder they didn't trust the new house and the humans that came with it. This brings me to the first comparison and how it affects you and your business.

Lesson #1 - Consider where your clients are coming from.

Hubby and I have had many cats in our lives, but never such skittish ones. These two challenged us. We had to work hard to get them to trust us. We had to figure out the best way to go about touching them so as not to scare them. We had to figure out how not to make too much noise with their food and even our footsteps. We had to deal with the fact that Hobbes wouldn't let us hold her at all even though she wanted all the attention we could manage to give her. We had to completely rethink how we interact with cats. And cat’s aren’t the only ones who can come to us a bit skittish.

Clients are the same in that they have a history that comes with them. Perhaps they have had negative experiences with someone else in your industry. That will show up as they decided to work with you. So you need to adjust and accommodate the fears they are bringing with them. You need to speak to the experiences they may have had before that would hold them back now. You need to eliminate fear of moving forward as much as possible. You need to show them you are different than those who have let them down in the past. You can't just tell them. That's not enough. You have to SHOW them in every piece of marketing you create. Through the words you use, the personality you show, the tone of voice you use on calls and in recordings. Everything you say and do has an impact. Even in your marketing.

I have spoken to many potential clients who have had baggage from a previous marketer who tried to help them. One such person had paid over $10,000 to learn some marketing techniques. In the end she got some great strategies, but had no idea what her next steps were or even the technology needed to accomplish those steps.

She had talked to some other marketers but was hearing the same thing she’d heard from that first marketer, so she was about ready to give up. She was considering whether she could even run her own business.

Then she stumbled upon my website and contacted me for an appointment to discuss the possibilities of working together. I always ask potential clients what it was that made them want the appointment. This potential client said that there was something about the way I talked in my articles that she could relate to. My honesty and candor really appealed to her. She also had seen me using a lot of the marketing technologies that she didn’t feel she had the capacity to use. At the same time, she also noticed that I specifically worked with people like her. She was pretty well sold by the time she got me on the phone with her. The reason is because I demonstrated my own knowledge and skills. I knew that these things were hard to come by when I created my marketing and I made sure that I highlighted it wherever I could. I SHOWED her through my marketing that I was different and not like the person she’d just finished working with. I also showed her that I work with people just like her. I spoke directly to her in my marketing, because I know who my target market is and what they are looking for.

She trusted me because of all these things and wanted to work with me right away. So, take a look at the next piece of marketing you create. Are you injecting what makes you different? Are you integrating who you are? Do you know where your clients have been and what they need as a result of that?

Let me know your thoughts by hitting reply to this e-mail or contacting me at http://www.coachesmarketingsource.com/contact.html.

Watch your inbox for Lesson #2 which I learned from Hobbes. 

Create a great day!
Kristen Beireis, Trust Marketing Expert
Coaches' Marketing Source

About Kristen

Kristen has had many different careers before creating Coaches' Marketing Source.  She's been a Music Teacher, Professional Singer/Actress, and held many different administrative positions over the years.  Since 2000, Kristen has been a marketer for herself and many others in the online world.  Add that to overcoming a childhood where she tested and researched people before she'd give them an ounce of trust.  Together you have Kristen Beireis, Trust Marketing Expert, who can test your marketing and find the places where you can improve your trust factor in the writing, technology, and systems you use in your marketing. 

Kristen helps coaches and other personal transformation professionals establish trust and confidence by developing sales and marketing programs that begin with their Essential Message. First, she establishes a foundation that’s rooted in your authentic differentiation. Then she follows up with solutions that bring consistency to everything that has your name on it -- from your newsletter to your business card to your social media pages. And while she’s happy to teach you how to do all this yourself, many of her clients love the way her team reduces their workload and overwhelm.

Greater trust means shorter sales cycle, more of the right clients, and the confidence that comes from knowing your sales and marketing are in integrity with who you are as a person. If that’s what you want, then you want Kristen.  Visit http://www.coachesmarketingsource.com/trust.html to take the Trust Marketing Audit for coaches and see how well you're building trust with potential clients.

If you find this article useful and would like to pass it on to others, please do.  All we ask is that you forward the newsletter in it's entirety without changing the format or wording in any way.  Thank you!

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