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Is your marketing getting into place with trust in mind?

Let the experts do it for you!

Two Directions sign.  One for Marketing and one for clients.You could purchase our e-books and read our reports to learn everything there is to know about trust marketing and then start implementing it to increase your success rate.   If managing your marketing is pulling you away from meaningful work, consider delegating to our Trust Marketing Team. 

You are the expert in doing the most meaningful and lucrative work in your business. 

You earn the fees you do because you provide HUGE value when you focus on helping your clients transform their lives.  You've worked your tail off to get here and you want to keep moving forward.  The last place you need your attention is on the small details of marketing.

You may already have several assistants who, technically, get the work done.  It's inexpensive and the marketing gets out consistently.  But are you building the highest level of trust you possibly can? 

Do you know where opportunities to increase your trust factor lie?  Is that where your focus is when you or your assistant are creating marketing?   


How much more successful would your marketing be if it was focused on trust-building rather than "selling"? 

Picture of freedom trainThe Freedom Elite Program is a ticket to the freedom train for the successful, high-earning coach. Many coaches reach a point where their train runs out of power. They can't get it to go any further, because they can't be the engineer and the coal pusher at the same time. They need to choose one and get someone else to do the other. Does this sound like you? 

You ARE the Coach. So, put on your engineer hat and get someone else to shovel the coal as you drive your Coaching Business down the tracks faster than ever before. 

You could:

We've extended our reach faster and far more effectively than we ever would have on our own - and done it using technologies and methodologies we just wouldn't have been able to manage without them.

We likely wouldn't have moved in the creative directions we're moving in, and with the confidence we feel, if it wasn't for the piece of mind of having CMS as part of our team.

Lissa and Randy Boles

  •  Get done-for-you marketing that builds trust from the very first touch through payment and follow-up.
  •  Travel, spend time with your family, write a book etc... all while your marketing is getting done with trust-building as the top priority.
  • You get to continue to focus on empowering others, even when a team member is ill or takes a vacation.  It's covered!
  •  Have your own personal Trust Marketing Expert to help you gain confidence in speaking about your business, bounce ideas off of, aEngineer cap for the engineer coachnd keep your marketing in integrity with who you are and what you offer.
  •  Have your own personal Trust Marketing Project Manager who will assign all your work off to the appropriate Trust Marketing Team Members.  

You are a busy professional with a lot of obligations. At Coaches’ Marketing Source we understand that you have very little time to manage the people and details of marketing in your business. At the same time we know you want world class management and execution that will bring results. That’s what our Freedom Elite program is all about!

We're here to help you gain the freedom you need to get your coaching business train moving forward again. If you are ready to get away from the hot coal furnace and put your engineer hat on, then you are ready for the Freedom Elite Program.


How does it work?

As we start out working together, I will take some extra time to get to know your business, your team, your processes, and your vision. The best way to do that is to start off evaluating your marketing and systems to find all the places where you are leaving money on the table and take a look at your budget to see what needs to be tightened up there. After that, I’ll come back to you with a full report of our findings and a plan of action to move forward.

We’ll then get started with our monthly duties. We will meet at least 3 times each month. These meetings are for you to download all your marketing ideas, and for me to provide strategies, organization, and plans for optimal results. Most of all I need to get clear on your goals and vision for your marketing so we can measure the results you are getting and adjust accordingly.

The Coaches' Marketing Source team has a very high level of professionalism and skill.  They have a minimum of 3 years experience working with marketing technologies and implementing strategies.  They are all hand-picked and tested.  This is not an run of the mill marketing team.  Should you choose to use my highly skilled and intelligent team, you will experience maximum results without the headaches that come with running your own team.

Working with our team allows you to do the most profitable work in your business; working with clients, speaking, networking, and helping people create massive transformation. It’s my goal to keep you there and keep you out of the marketing as much as I possibly can.

There are three options for this program, depending on the level of service you want.

VIP Level - This is our most comprehensive program including Team Management, Budget Management, Project Management and Execution of routine marketing strategies.

Diamond Level - If you already have a team of excellent marketing experts, then we will do the Team Management, Budget Management (optional), and Project Management.

Gold Level - For those who have a big virtual event coming up, this is a one shot deal where we will manage and execute the entire process of that event.

All programs are customized to fit the individual needs of each business.

 In order to dedicate our full attention to these clients, ONLY 5 spots are available for the Diamond and VIP Levels.
So, request a FREE "Get To Know You Session" TODAY!!!

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