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Are you excited and overwhelmed with information and/or ideas after a conference?

Are you ready to put your newfound knowledge to work, yet afraid you'll never have the time?

Schedule an "After The Conference Hangover Session" and Get a clear picture of when, how and what you will do with what you've learned.

Who is this session for?

bullet Those who are truly excited about what they have learned at the conference and want to do something about it!!!
bullet Those who are stuck and don't know which end is up after a week of learning and growing.
bullet Those who have some idea of how they want to use what they've learned, but have NO IDEA where or how, in the world, they are going to start.

We suspect you learned a huge amount of information that is going to move you forward in your business and you are just itching to get some of it done. Then it hits you. Oh, I have a life and other work to do! Yeah, you're feeling it. That dreaded feeling of going back to the same old, same old after the conference.

Stop dreading it!! Get clear and get into action as you head back into the next work week. Take 45 minutes and debrief with The Marketing Implementation Coach, Kristen Beireis. You'll take stock of what you learned, find options and create do-able actions that will start moving you forward right away!!! Of course, it's not all nose to the grindstone work. You'll also get to look into the future and dream about what you REALLY want.

If you are feeling pressure to start working on all the things you learned at a conference, expo, tele-summit etc..., then Sign up TODAY!!! 

What does the session include?

bullet A chance to revel in all the "newness"
bullet The opportunity to relax and dream about what's possible.
bullet Ideas on how to handle all the information you have swimming in your brain.
bullet You'll set some goals and actions.
bullet You'll answer the question "What's it going to take?!"
bullet You'll  get your thoughts on paper.
bullet A free report - How To Implement A New Business System With Less Overwhelm.

Be prepared to experiment, play, laugh, share, have fun and get something accomplished.

How much does it cost?

This session is being offered for just $150!  To register, click the "Add To Cart" button below and pay via PayPal or Credit Card. Then Schedule your 45 minute "After The Conference Hangover Session" TODAY!!!
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We will not sell or share your information.

To read more about the
manifesto, click here


After an online expo, Jennifer was excited about an amazing new idea, but wasn't sure where to start.

"I just finished my After the Conference Hangover Coaching Session with Kristen...and I am simply amazed at the steps we took from the beginning of the call through the end.

If you had asked me about coaching last week I would have told you I didn't think it was really helpful. Now that I've spent 45 minutes with Kristen I can say with certainty:

I have clarity about the goals that will make the great new idea I had during the expo come into reality.  I have a solid understanding of the next steps I need to take to get to those goals. I feel confident that my goals are going to come true!

Thank you Kristen, you are a fantastic business coach, and having a heart-based business is something that is SO perfectly in alignment with my business model, and I didn't even realize it.

I would whole-heartedly (heart...get it?) recommend Kristen to anyone looking for more clarity in their current business endeavor, or looking to make their business a heart-based business and feel great (or even better than great!) about what you do for a living!"

- Jennifer Gniadecki, http://www.jennydecki.com


Are You A Conference Organizer?

Would you like to offer an "After The Conference Hangover" Wrap-Up Session at the end of your conference, expo, tele-summit etc...? Contact us for special group pricing and organizer benefits.  We offer this session virtually and in-person.  It's a great way to help attendees move forward with their learning after an intense conference.

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