Coaches' Marketing Lab

Shifting the culture of coach marketing, one discussion at a time.

First Call January 27 at 11am Eastern

Why start the Coaches' Marketing Lab?

Ever feel like the language used to market coaching is completely foreign to you?
Are you tired of trying to find "marketing language"?
Do you read coaching websites and wonder if there's a more "Coach" way to talk to clients?

As a trained coach I'm sure you've experienced the power coaching has to transform lives in big and positive ways. You probably also know that coaching creates culture shifts as our clients are examples of new ways of being in the world. Those around them shift with them. And, if you're anything like me, you want to see that happen everywhere in the world. Personally, I'd love to see coaching in politics. Imagine how easy world peace would be if every politician had a coach?! I digress.

As someone who has followed the marketing coaches put out into the world since 2006, I've noticed a big disconnect between how coaches show up in conversation with each other and clients vs. on their website and marketing materials. Sometimes, even as speakers. If we really want to change the culture of the world through coaching, we need to change the culture of our marketing first. It has to start with the people who bring the tools for transformation to happen. We are the first models that can create the shift. However, look at most marketing for coaching in the world and there's only a hint of coach behavior, coach concepts, coach life being demonstrated.

What would happen if we created a new way of marketing a coaching business?

What if it looked more like a coaching conversation than marketing strategies?

What if we could create transformation through our marketing?

What does that look like? How do we do it effectively? What are the culture shifts we need to make within the coaching industry?

These are all BIG questions I have. I don't have the answers, but if I could have conversations with coaches that tackle these questions, I know we could come up with some great ideas. Then we can put them into practice, testing them, experimenting and looking at what kind of results we get. Join me in the Coaches' Marketing Lab. Let's mix it up and see what we create together.

Who is a good fit for the Lab?

As with any experiment, there are criteria. If you fit the following criteria, please fill in the form below for verification purposes.

Are you:

  • A trained coach? Had some sort of competency training in coaching skills.
  • Selling Coaching Services?
  • Currently Marketing your own coaching business or have people who help you market your business?
  • Somewhat experienced in marketing a coaching business? Have at least been marketing a coaching business for a year. Maybe have taken some(or a lot) of marketing training.
  • A Coach with a strong desire to transform lives through coaching?
  • A Coach who wants to change the way you talk and/or write about coaching?
  • Willing to participate in discussions with respect, an open mind and share your truth?
  • Willing to try experiments and report back on your results?
  • Willing to fail? (Not all experiments succeed.)

If you agree to all of the above, sign up below (for verification and commitment purposes only).  I may occasionally send information related specifically to the Lab, but you will not be added to my main list.  If you'd like to be added to my main list, just let me know.  I'll be happy to add you. 

If you don't fit the criteria, but this sounds like a fascinating concept and you are itching to get in, then e-mail me directly at kristen at CoachesMarketingSource dot com and tell me what attracts you to the Lab. 

How will the Coaches' Marketing Lab work?

Every month, we'll get on the phone to discuss a marketing topic.  Usually on a Friday morning at 11am Eastern.  We'll talk about what we see and what we do now.  Then we'll explore what shift or shifts we feel would make a greater positive impact in the world.  At the end we'll design some actions we can test moving forward.

Monthly, Coaches' Marketing Lab calls are only offered live. There are no recordings in order to promote open discussion without the fear of being recorded.

All calls are FREE.

After the call, we'll take it to the Facebook Group. As you test and discover new things, report back to the group.  Add new ideas and share new possible actions.  This is where we find out what works and what doesn't. This is a collaborative effort. 

Dates for 2017 calls:

Friday, January 27 at 11am Eastern
Thursday, February 23 at 11am Eastern
Thursday, March 23 at 11am Eastern
Thursday, April 20 at 11am Eastern
Thursday, May 18 at 11am Eastern
Thursday, June 15 at 11am Eastern
Thursday, July 27 at 11am Eastern
Thursday, August 24 at 11am Eastern
Wednesday, September 13 at 11am Eastern
Thursday, November 16 at 11am Eastern