Are your values matching up with your marketing?

Score your answers using the key below.  Then find out how well your marketing matches up with your values, below. 

Question 1 – A=2 B=1 C=4 D=3
Question 2 – A=3 B=2 C=1 D=4
Question 3 – A=4 B=1 C=3 D=2
Question 4 – A=2 B=4 C=1 D=3
Question 5 – A=1 B=3 C=2 D=4

16-20 – Perfect Match. Your values are matching up nicely with the marketing you are doing. You don’t mind doing marketing and you have likely seen great results because of it. You keep up, you delegate and you do what’s necessary for your marketing without it feeling like a chore. In short, you’re doing a great job! Keep it up.

11-15 – A bit out of alignment. Some of your values are matching up with the marketing you are doing. You probably slug through some of the marketing while there are other parts of marketing that you easily move through. You probably wish all of marketing was easy, but you tell yourself that you have to do what you have to do. Check in with your values and compare them to the marketing you’re doing. Look for where you’re not matching up. You’ll be more consistent if you’re honoring your values in every little bit of marketing you do. Need some help?  I can get you started in just 30 minutes with a Values Clarity Session.

5-10 – Time for a Marketing Overhaul.  Your values are not matching up with the marketing you are doing. Marketing is a huge chore that you slug through. Sometimes you are able to get things handled, but most of the time you feel like you’re lagging behind and unable to keep up. Unfortunately, you’re seeing inconsistent results. You probably feel like marketing is overwhelming your business and sucking some (if not all) of the joy out of it too. So, you trust in other people to tell you what’s next and what’s going to work. You need a marketing overhaul so you can discover and trust in your own values. Are you ready for the overhaul?  Get started with the individual, What's Your Tie-dye? program or join the next Values Marketing Group.